Tuesday 5 July 2011

Hong Kong: Central.

Hello boys and girls!

These snaps have been waiting patiently in my drawer to be posted since the beginning of the year.

And I am so happy that I have finally gotten around to post them up. 

This time my snaps are from Hong Kong. I think they are definitely up there in my favourites list!

The colours, shapes, forms, light and saturation really capture the noise and feel of Hong Kong.

I can't wait to go back!!

So here is my first instalment of my Hong Kong collection... based in the area of Central.

An accidental light leak really adds to this pic.

I can imagine putting a couple of these sacks of
 spices and herbs in my house.
They'd look great!!

Trying to take a photo of Mong Kok market...
Its almost Chinese New Year so everyone is buying their
flowers and orange trees!

I hope you enjoy these as much as I do
Stay tuned and feel free to comment or follow me!
